After many years working in Administration, I decided to follow my sister and become a Legal Secretary. After careful consideration I undertook a Legal Secretary Course in London. It was serious study but very interesting and I passed with a distinction. I was feeling very confident about my capability to become an excellent Legal Secretary. I excitedly got in touch with recruitment companies and checked the newspapers for vacancies for this role.


I soon had my first interview with a law firm. It was a total disaster as the interviewers were very self-important and talked down at me. The interview room was large and very imposing with highly polished conference table. There were three interviewers who sat bolt upright. There was a jug of
water and four glasses of varying sizes on my side of the table. They said I can help myself to water; I looked at the glasses and politely declined. There were no pleasantries and the questions were very sharp.  As expected, the interview did not go well; I lost all my confidence and just wanted to get out of there.




I had an interview with another company the following week and although I had initially looked forward to the interview, I was now dreading it. I was getting quite depressed whenever I thought of it.


I met my legal tutor by chance and mentioned my fears to her. She invited me to the college to see how she can help to overcome my fear. At the college, she explained some techniques to use in order to overcome my anxieties and enjoy the interview.


She said that I need to prepare well before the interview. Start by:


a)  learning about the company by reading their website and jot down any questions that come to mind


b)  research for interview questions and have the answers ready


c)   think of any open questions you may be asked for example ‘why are you leaving your present job?’


She said that at the interview, I should not put too much pressure on myself by:


a)  being sure to arrive early


b)  take deep breaths to relax; breathe at a steady rate as fast breaths will intensify your nervousness


c)   treat the interview in a relaxed conversational style as this is the one chance you have of selling yourself that is make them like and need you


d)  be positive as a positive mind will project positive attitude and answers



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She was quite firm in suggesting that after the interview you should:


a)   Go to a coffee shop and go over the interview while it is fresh in your mind; make a note of any questions you answered well and improve the answers on those you have not.


Each interview should be an improvement on the last as you may have a number of interviews before you find that job.
I took her advice and rehearsed interviews with my friends before that interview. Needless to say I was offered the job at that interview and am happily settled in the company.