When a Legal Secretary starts looking for a job within the Legal Industry, it can be quite confusing. There are a wide range of law firms, which vary in their legal specialty and size. One part of law that is quite lucrative, with many jobs and law firms within it is Commercial Law. Commercial Law forms part of what many refer to as Business Law. Commercial Law provides a lot of employment opportunities because this is one of the most common and lucrative parts of law. The majority of businesses will encounter Commercial law in their day to day trading.
This has meant that there is plenty of business for law firms to become established in this area. Generally, Commercial law firms can charge higher fees, which make for better pay and buildings in prestigious locations. Therefore, Legal Secretaries, Legal Execs and other support staff may do well to start their careers in this field.
Jobs for a Legal Secretary in the UK
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What is Commercial Law?
There are several components to Commercial Law. One area that has been very lucrative for law firms over the years is Commercial Litigation. This involves Commercial Disputes, which can often result in mediation or arbitration. In some cases, there will also be court cases in this part of Commercial Law. This is arguably the most common area of Commercial Law.
What is it like to work in Commercial Litigation?
Litigators will often prepare bundles and files for mediation and arbitration. This could require significant amounts of typing and proofreading, depending on the nature of your role and firm. You may also be a point of contact for clients, which will require some skills as the areas covered can be sensitive and tense.
What is Contract Law?
Another popular area of Commercial Law is Contract Law. This can vary from being involved in a department that deals with Breach of Contract and interrelates to Litigation, to the drafting and drawing up of contracts. Again, you will need great attention to detail, as the contract must be totally word perfect.
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The drafting of contracts often has a tight schedule to meet the actual underlying deal, so you may need to keep to tight schedules.
Consumer Law
This concerns the rights of consumers and the act of the protection of these rights, when the consumer purchases goods and services. This can merge with other legal areas including; breech and misrepresentation of contracts, issues with specific contractual obligations and performance, other related legislation and much more.
Intellectual Property
This concerns the copyrights and patents of various types of products. It can be very interesting and often pays well. It is less common and there are fewer jobs.
Other areas
There are also many smaller related areas that form niches; such as shipping and maritime law. In a niche, there are fewer jobs, but once you have experience, you may find you are sort after within this niche area.
Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and Author Imagerymajestic
Here are details of how to qualify as a Legal Secretary by taking a Legal Secretary Course. In order, to gain key skills in Commercial Law, you can also take a Commercial Law Course.
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