Time management is so important in our lives whether in or out of the office. We constantly manage our time. For example if we need to spend 2 hours per week in the gym, we do fit other events so we can allocate that gym time.
Likewise time management is very, very important in the office as we spend, on average, about 35 to 40 hours over a 5 day period in the office.
Some people can easily complete all their tasks in time although they still have time to chat to colleagues and have their coffee breaks. These people have the ability to manage their time effectively. It is vital that you are aware of how you use your time. Only you can manage your time.
Reduction of the number of tasks
You need to find ways to work smarter in order to reduce the number of tasks. You should list jobs to be done and prioritise then analyse the workflow periodically. In order to work effectively, you should always do activities that are the most important at that point. In order to do this you need to know the difference between ‘Important’ and ‘Urgent.’ Important means just that but it may not be urgent today or this morning; it could become urgent at another time. Urgent means it needs to be done now.
To better manage your time, you need to be aware of the time it takes for each task. Be aware if there is a shorter way of completing it while still achieving quality work. For example, Microsoft Office offers lots of shortcuts so, ideally discover and make full use of these shortcuts.
Look at all your activities. Eliminate those that simply do not have to be done. Of the remainder, decide which ones really must be done by you. Then make plans to delegate the balance. This may mean taking the time to train and develop others. It may mean learning to think about yourself and your job in new ways. But, ultimately, everyone will benefit. Delegation is a case of investing time now to gain time later. Take the time to train and begin to systematically delegate greater authority to others.
Keep a Record or Diary
Keep a daily time record to help identify the patterns involved in your job. Then use the information in planning and scheduling every day. Remember, though, to leave room in your schedule for the unexpected. In your planning, emphasise early actions. As the morning goes, so goes the day.
You may find there is a pattern in your work week. Once you have identified it, you can then use this in order to plan and schedule your day by day activity.
Fin dout more about administration training at www.pa-course.co.uk
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