Obscure or curveball questions” – these are becoming more popular, as potential employers want to see how their candidates can “think on their feet” in interviews by answering seemingly obscure questions. “Sell me this pen”, “what would you change about this company?” and “if I gave you 100 dollars, how would you double it in 24 hours?” are all typical examples.
The key to providing the best answers is preparation:-
Practicing for a Job Interview
- Look at your experience, challenges and successes in the workplace to date and get comfortable speaking positively – but modestly yet confidently – about yourself.
- Keep your answers brief, but clear, concise and relevant.
- Before each question, think “what point does the interviewer want to know about me by asking me this?”
- Even if you are stuck for answer, relax and take a deep breath. Remember there are no wrong answers, just answer as best as you can and make the next answer count and continue your steps up to success.
Be organised before the interview
- Ensure you have the correct location – check the physical address on Google maps or GPS.
- Plan a route and your method of transport – allow time for parking, registering at reception etc.
- Allow enough time for the journey, and any contingencies (traffic delays, roadworks etc.)
- Aim to arrive at least ten minutes before the interview
- Ensure you have a contact telephone number for your interviewer should you be delayed
Provide the best impression possible
Unless advised otherwise – eg if there is a specific “dress down” code – wear professional clothes such as a suit or business dress in conservative colours. Take your time to prepare all aspects of personal grooming – be clean and fresh looking, wear shiny shoes and ensure any accessories such as ties are properly adjusted.
Practice breathing and how to maintain concentration, and keep patient.
Smile at appropriate opportunities, greet all interviewers respectfully and maintain eye contact when communicating.
Do not fidget, mumble or become distracted during the interview – focus only on the interviewer, their questions and your answers.
Try to learn a little about body language, especially on building rapport and holding a confident, positive posture.
Above anything, think of your interview as an audition for movie, TV show or a theatre play. Even the top actors have to audition, and the only way they succeed is by understanding the director’s requirements, practicing and then convincing by providing a stellar performance – and you can do the same!
Good luck with practicing foor a job inteview. Find out about getting a job at www.pa-careers.co.uk
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