When you’re on the hunt for a new job, it’s important to smarten up your CV and have it ready for action. Then you need to be preparing for job interviews in the right way too.

Doing these two things could make your job search that little bit easier and more successful. A well-presented and informative CV can get you in the door with many companies and to the point where you may be invited for interview.  Thorough preparation for that interview is also vital.

Here are some tips to guide you on both.

Five ways to smarten up your CV and prepare for Job Interviews

  1. Declutter the content
    There is nothing more off-putting for a prospective employer than getting a CV full of content. It can be hard to pick out what they’re looking for and many will simply discard it. You have to remember, CVs are likely to be looked at very swiftly by the hiring company, and so if yours looks too busy and it’s too hard to find the information they need, it almost certainly be thrown out.
    CV Editingis the
    You can easily declutter by taking out anything out that is no longer relevant.  All of the information should support your application and also your career goals. If they are neither relevant or supportive, consider removing them. Your CV is not an exhaustive record of your life, it is a guide to the employer that you have the right credentials for a role.  Everything else will be discussed at interview.
  2. Tidy up the layout
    Often the secret to a great CV is simplicity. Make sure the font used is simple and common, that way when the prospective employee reads your CV on screen it will render correctly and be both smart and easy to read.Ensure paragraphs are kept short at three of four lines, and never list more than a few bullet points together.  Contact information should be organised neatly and again, only relevant contact information.  If listing an email address, ensure it is suitable and not a free one created with a funny name when you were 16.
  3. Highlight major achievements
    After your introductory summary, the next thing on your CV should be your main achievements in your career. Make sure they are relevant though, if you’re having a career change carefully consider what is important to this job.

SECRETARIAL AND PA COURSESFive tips to prepare for a job interview

  1. Research
    One of the most important ways in which to prepare for an interview is by researching the company you are going to work for. At the very least you need a broad knowledge of what they do, how they do and what makes them unique. Study their website for more information about client case studies or latest news.
  2. Know the questions
    You are unlikely to know every question you will be asked on any interview, but it’s important to have answers to the common ones you are likely to be asked. Why do you want to work for the company, why are you the best candidate, examples of where you have excelled in previous roles – this will also probably tie in with the job description.
  3. Have some questions lined up
    As important as preparing for what you may ask, almost every single job interview will present an opportunity where you can ask employers questions about them and the job. Use this wisely, smart question choices can also demonstrate a knowledge in the company and show you have done your research.

Fin oout more about CV development and job development at: www.bookkeeping-course.org