Social Media has become very prevalent in the world of job seeking and recruitment. In the western world, the vast majority of large employers are now actively recruiting through social media. This means that all job seekers need to pay attention to this change and adapt their job search accordingly. We will focus on using Twitter and Facebook in this article, but we will discuss LinkedIn in the next article.


Facebook is less effective than Twitter or LinkedIn, at putting you in touch with perspective employers. This is because Facebook is more personal and holds greater privacy controls. Therefore your profile may not be visible or fully sociable. However, you should pay careful attention to your Facebook

Image courtesy of and Author jscreationzs

One thing that is very useful is to make it clear to all of your Facebook friends that you are currently looking for work. This will help you reach out to your extended network on Facebook and this will give you the
opportunity to potentially find a job.

Remove privacy control on your Facebook account so that it can be
searchable.  You can then add key search words for your intended career. Therefore, you could add Personal Assistant or Secretary. This option may not be popular with everybody as it makes your Facebook account viewable to all.

There are some real negatives on Facebook for potential jobseekers. Increasingly, recruiters and employers will search your profile on the internet and one of the main returns will be your Facebook profile. Many people have inappropriate looking photos on their profile which is generally fun for your
friends, but create a poor image to prospective employers. Therefore, you need to make sure that these types of pictures are not visible to the public or even some of your friends from work circles.


Twitter is freely searchable and much easier to find details on your profile and tweets. This means that job seekers can quickly find recruiters and employers. You can then follow relevant profile, to ensure that you get their latest tweets for jobs. This is a great breakthrough, as gone are the days of going physically to agents and applying for jobs.

The first step is to open an account and make your 140 character profile summary count. Use keywords such as #PA and #Secretary. All hash tags will make the term searchable within Twitter. Also add a nice photo, as this gives the impression to viewers that the account is active and serious. Also the profile should show a little of your personality, whilst remaining professional.

Now start to shape your profile, by looking for relevant recruiters and employer’s job profiles. You should follow these in order to get the necessary tweets of new and available jobs. Furthermore, Twitter will recognise you as a relevant job seeker for your industry. This will prompt recruiters and employers to look at your profile.

You may also want to follow other profiles that are similar to your own. So if you are a Medical Secretary, you may want to follow other Medical Secretaries. This will make it clearer to Twitter, as to what type of profile you have and encourage more recruiters to seek your profile.

You should always try to respond to any correspondence from relevant Twitter profile, to show a good attitude. Also, add your CV link online, so that interested parties can find out about your experience and background.
                                   Image courtesy of and Author bplanet
These guidelines for Twitter and Facebook should help you to find your next job and shows everyone that finding jobs on social media is not limited to LinkedIn.